Burning gay flag video

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'That's it! I TOLD you how God feels about what you still do. But, I can't be like some here, and just tell them. I know many people, including myself, in my own church, are still sinning, to this day. or even if I just tried to be their friend over a period of weeks or even months. I fully doubt that anyone I talk to will 'snap to perfection' just because I quoted some Bible at them. I wasn't one of them, and I will not press that 'requirement' on anyone else. Since we are finally getting honest here, don't you think we should be, FIRST, going to any church (or person) we are concerned with, and finding out what they REALLY mean by such a flag, before we decide what their intentions and goals are? We are not doing that in this thread.ĪND, are we of the mind that if a homosexual person walks through our 'sacred' doors, or hears our 'holy' speech, that they must, immediately, cease all deviant desires, and 'come clean', on the spot? Did you? I didn't, nor, I suspect did a whopping majority of 'Christians.' God bless those who heard that first sermon, and became model people within minutes.

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